Starbucks Portal
Welcome to the PIVOT Starbucks Portal. PIVOT is premier authorized manufacturer and service provider for Starbucks stores, fixtures and accessories. This PIVOT Starbucks Portal site contains valuable information and pictures of Stores and Products manufactured by PIVOT for Starbucks as well as service programs like the Starbucks Rental Program. This PIVOT Starbucks Portal site is for the sole exclusive use of Starbucks and it’s Licensees. Please note that this site is updated regularly with the most current product information and specifications and may not match older generation products in the field.
Please find the current inventory of Starbucks products and services below. Click on the “Learn More” button next to the desired product/service to get additional information. Click on the “Contact PIVOT” button to get in touch with a PIVOT Representative.
Starbucks Pop-Up Store
The PIVOT Starbucks Pop-Up Store is a rapid deployment powerhouse comprised of Modular Carts. These Stores are used in the Starbucks Rental Program and have been designed exclusively for Starbucks by PIVOT. This Pop-Up Store can function as a Temporary Store or as a “Hub & Spoke” configuration for a Starbucks Store.
Starbucks Kiosks
Kiosks are the backbone solution for Non-Traditional Stores. PIVOT’s Kiosks brings all of the advantages of a Traditional Store into a Non-Traditional platform. PIVOT’s Starbucks Kiosks feature PIVOT’s Patented Modular Store System Design with minimal site-preparation and installation completed in less than a day. PIVOT’s Kiosks are an ideal replacement for traditional stick build stores.
Starbucks FF&E
PIVOT designs and manufactures independent and standalone FF&E items for Starbucks. These items are available and sold by Starbucks.
Starbucks Rental Program
Need a Starbucks store for a short period of time and don’t want to purchase one. You may qualify for the Starbucks Rental Program.