Starbucks Rental Program

Welcome to the Starbucks Rental Program. The Starbucks Rental Program provides premium Starbucks stores that can be rented directly from Starbucks and managed by PIVOT.
This program is designed to keep your Starbucks store open, available and generating revenue during renovations, new store construction or any temporary closure. The Temporary Stores available in this Starbucks Rental Program have retained up to 90% of the revenue of the permanent store while also keeping your employees working and customers served.
These rental stores can also be used for pre-new store openings, events and trade shows. This program is only available to Starbucks and current Licensees of Starbucks.

Why rent a Starbucks Store – Check out this Presentation
Starbucks has designed this Rental Program to make it simple and easy to rent a Starbucks Store. There are limited quantities of Starbucks Rental Stores available in three models – Standard, Standard Plus and Enhanced Stores. Early planning is essential to ensure that a store will be available for you. Pease note that each model Rental Store has minimum requirements that must be met to qualify for a Rental. Please contact your Starbucks Representative for more information.
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Please take a look at the Starbucks Rental Process below. You can click on any of the Steps below to get more detailed information on that respective Step. You can also speak to your Starbucks Construction Manager/PDM or your Starbucks National Account Executive for more information.
Starbucks Rental Process
This is the process for renting your Starbucks Store
Click on any Step for more information
Request a Reservation
Your Starbucks Representative can make a Starbucks Rental Store Reservation Request. Please make sure to get your Reservation Requests in early as they are first come first serve.
Pre-Rental Call
Once your reservation is confirmed, your Starbucks PDM will schedule a Pre-Rental Call (approximately 30 days prior to installation) to review everything about the Starbucks Rental Store Store, your Rental, the Process, Options, site preparation, etc. The Store Configuration Form located at the bottom of this page can be completed during or after this call.
SITE READINESS – Installation
Please complete this Site Readiness Form to ensure that you are ready for the installation and confirm your installation date. This form should be completed 10 days prior to Installation.
Operating Your Rental Store
This Step contains useful and valuable information for operating your Starbucks Rental Store.
Starbucks Secured Portal
Authorized Users Only
Enter Here
If you are an Authorized Starbucks User and are not a registered user, see below.
Want More Information
If you are a Starbucks Licensee and would like more information about this program or rent a store, please contact your National Account Executive or click on the button below.
New Users
If you are a Starbucks partner, require access to the Starbucks Rental Program Portal and have not registered yet as a User of PIVOT, please register now. Please note that only Starbucks partners with prior approval from the Starbucks Program Manager and a valid @STARBUCKS.COM email address will be granted access to this Portal.
Existing Users
If you are already a registered User of PIVOT but have not logged in yet, please do so now.